Last day in NYC


Posted by M&A on April 30, 2017

So far we were only checking things out on Manhattan so to get a bit more perspective on how the rest of New York looks like we cycled to Brooklyn. We went through the Manhattan Bridge and had a stroll alongside the bay. What we have seen is a moderate hight buildings, slower pace, less noisy part of the city with an awesome views on Manhattan from the Brooklyn Park.

soccer brooklyn

Very impressive is The Brooklyn Bridge - almost 2km long, pretty old (1883), the first steel-wire suspension bridge constructed.

Because the world is so small nowadays we found out that some of our colleagues are in NYC as well. We went to Madison Square garden to have a lunch and meet up with Marcin for a coffee and catch up.

As this was our last day in NYC we had to figure out how to get to the Newark airport next morning. We went to the Penn station to purchase train tickets as we’ve decided that’s the safest way to be at the airport on time.


We cycled back to our accommodation in East Village to put some warm cloths on as the weather was not so great anymore - more windy and cooler than in previous days. Wa also had to pack our stuff and get ready for the next part of our journey.

In the evening we went to Chinatown to meet up with another colleague - Kasia. We had some traditional Chinese food followed by Asian style Gelattos for the desert. Before going for our final drink in NYC we had a very nice walk through Little Italy and Soho districts.

That is how we came to an end of our first visit in NYC. Will there be another one? Who knows :-) The city is busy and noisy as expected. But its not more crowded then London for example. It is dirty in most parts, quality of the roads is horrible but it is so easy to navigate and get around. There is a variety of things to do an try as long as you have enough money to spend. All the districts have different, specific vibes which makes exploring the city more interesting. All in all NYC is not only glass skyscrapers and concrete - it has some hidden treasures and historic spots that can really surprise and amaze while visiting the city.