Miami beach

Back on bikes

Posted by M&A on May 10, 2017

Miami is the last stop on our USA trip. We didn’t know much about it before coming here and what we knew was based on a TV series like Miami Vice from 80s and CSI: Miami :-)

As we weren’t prepared we started from the obvious, we went down to the beach in Miami Beach (which is a separate city). The only plan we had for Miami was that we wanted to rent CityBikes again. We’ve learnt pretty quickly that this system works here differently then in NYC. First of all is much more expensive - $24 per bike for 24 hours. But once you have a bike you don’t need to change it every 30 minutes. After short consideration and trying a public transport first, we rented the bikes for one day.

Hands down, it’s the biggest beach we’ve ever seen. Even though it’s off season there were sill people sunbathing and enjoying the ocean.

Alongside the beach there’s the Miami Beach boardwalk. It’s a pretty cool pathway that stretches from southern part of South Beach for 6-7km. On the one side you get a good view on the Atlantic Ocean, on the other one, you see amazing hotels.

Later we went for our best meal in the USA so far (also one of the cheapest). We found it on yelp. It was a cuban restaurant that had very good reviews and the beef peeper steak with rice, plantains and black beans was delicious. Someone must open a cuban restaurant in Krakow.

After lunch we cycled back to our place. Unfortunately, cycling in the mainland Miami is not as fun as it was in NYC, there are not many bike lanes and we were forced to use pavements.

Once we got back to our place we went swimming and relax in jacuzzi.

Later we headed back to Miami Beach to check out the night life. We also discovered that Uber Pool is very convenient, and the rides don’t cost more than 4.5$, so it’s way better than public transport and bikes.

We had a stroll alongside Ocean Drive where most of the pubs and restaurants are located but nothing was tempting enough to get us spent $$$. The only thing we were considering was to get a massive, bucket size drink, but after all the rational thinking won and we had ice creams instead:-)