NYC - day three

Top of the rock

Posted by M&A on April 26, 2017

Second day of our NYC adventure started quite late as we left our apartment around 10am. The plan was to get to Intrepid Aircraft Carrier. We cycled our way there as we still had our city bikes pass from yesterday.


The weather was absolutely great - sunny, cloudless - like in the summer.

After a tasty breakfast we started our museum tour. It was pretty cool to be on an aircraft and inside a submarine!


Next on our list was Central Station building - grand station. This old train station is somehow hidden between the toll, glass sky scrapers but it’s every impressive and definitely worth checking out.

grand central

As we were nearby Rockefeller centre we’ve decided to go and see if we are able to get to the Top of the Rock observatory that day. That was a good move as the first available slot was only at 9:45pm.

Since we had some time left we googled other NYC “must see” and we found out that a very popular and recommend museum of modern art - MoMa - has a free admission on Fridays 4pm to 8pm. As we were not so far away we’ve decided to check it out. Even though there were hundreds of people we were happy we went there - we’ve seen some pretty impressive work-art (Dali, Picasso, Van Gogh, Frida, Pollock) and some installations that left us scratching our heads wondering why the heck there are blank canvas hanging on the wall… ;-)


Later we still had some time before our Top of the Rock experience so we went to the Central Park for some rest and people-spotting. Then we headed down to have a look on the times square at night:

times square

The observatory deck was great and the view of the city amazing. We both agree that this kind of view form the top is better at night as the lights which ends up on the horizon can really show you how big the city is!

Just to finish this busy day we had an hour long stroll back to our place - pretty proud of ourselves that we still didn’t use any public transport.